Essay On Working With Individuals With Mental Illnesses

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One of my first jobs when I was younger was working for NSSRA, which is an organization that works with individuals with special needs in a recreation setting. As the years passed, you could easily find me spending my free time working with individuals with disabilities and/or mental illnesses in hopes of me being able to assist them in activities and/or helping them come up with solutions that will allow them to be able to live as independently as possible. During the summer and throughout the school year, I have been known to volunteer, rather than seek employment, in places that allow me to work with individuals with disabilities or mental illnesses. Although I have started a new school year, the past few weeks I have been working with individuals with …show more content…

Sometimes as simple as being able to go to the bathroom or get dressed on their own, preparing simple meals, or holding simple face-to-face conversations can be difficult. If these individuals can’t do these things on their own and are constantly getting help from others, they may feel that they are losing a part of themselves or that they aren’t worthy of being alive. That may seem like an extreme but, trust me, it isn’t. The simple tasks that we take for granted are things that some individuals would kill to be able to do on their own. They are things that, especially if their mentally competent, may know that they should be able to do at their age but can’t. these things can be extremely frustrating. That’s why it’s important to know that when you cross someone that is having a difficult time doing anything, whether it’s complicated or simple, remember that they have their own sense of dignity and it can easily be

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