Essay On Why The Us Won The Mexican American War

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The United States won the Mexican-American War. With several reasons behind this great victory, this event had caught the European governments by surprise. As American armies were outnumbered four to one, and while they were also fighting in foreign lands, the American army still defeated the Mexican army and gained many more territories. In winning this impossible war, the Americans had almost complete control over what is now the United States of America and using the idea of “manifest destiny” to be the driving force behind their out-numbered armies. The United States army defeated the Mexican army after a battle that went on for two years from 1846 C. E. to 1848 C.E. With the Mexican army having an overwhelmingly large number of soldiers compared to the American army, four times the amount in fact, the Americans still had several advantages. As more industrialization grew within America, …show more content…

After the fact that the Mexican army outnumbered the United States four to one and the Americans were fighting on foreign soil, the Europeans did not expect the Americans to win due to one other reason. The war of 1812 C.E., when America attempted to attack the British in Canada, the Americans were unsuccessful. Therefore the European leaders placed these factors together and believed that the American nation did not stand a chance to win. Although the Americans faced unbeatable odds, it was the belief in the “manifest destiny,” that became their driving force to win an impossible war. The “manifest destiny” was a vision of some American citizens that the territory including California, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada belonged to the United States. Using this belief gave courage and determination to each soldier to win this war for America and their families. In doing so, their sacrifices would not only improve the wealth and land rights of the United States, but also create more future opportunities for

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