Essay On Why Australia Should Have Bill Of Rights

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Essay Plan
Does Australia need a bill of rights?
By Aleksandar Najdovski

The Bill of Rights was first originated from England, where it asserts for constitutional protection for individuals, and lists different types of prohibitions on government power (Bill of rights institute, 2016). The action of how Australia became a Federation, it involved complicated constitutional conventions, and how the constitutional founders addressed the complications of enacting a Bill of Rights, they decided not to enact it. McClelland (2002, pg. 138) describes how there were proposals that were rejected to incorporate fundamental rights in Australia’s constitution. Australians basic right were protected by common law, however instead, it was a mixture of …show more content…

The issue for all Australians is that if there is a Bill of Rights, it will take some time getting use to new constitutional arrangements. However, by enacting a Bill of Rights, it will be a starting point of something great; providing basic constitutional principles, independence of judiciary, fundamental protection of human rights and the independence of judiciary.

Ozdowski, Sev. 2007. Why We Need an Australian Bill of Rights Now. Pg. 22-25. Swinburne Online Library. Viewed 19th December 2016.

Bill of rights institute. 2016. Bill of rights of the United States of America (1791). [Online]. [19th December 2016]. Available from: .

Behrendt, Larissa. 2000. Righting Australia. Pg. 24-26. Swinburne Online Library. Viewed 19th December 2016.

Parliament of Australia. 1999. The Federal Parliament and the Protection of Human Rights. [Online]. [19th December 2016]. Available from: .

McClelland, Robert. 2002. Is the Time Right for a Bill of Rights? Pg. 137-150. Swinburne Online Library. Viewed 19th December 2016.

Law Foundation, L.F. 1997. A Bill of Rights for Australia - But do we need it? [Online]. [20th December 2016]. Available from:

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