Essay On Why Andrew Jackson Should He Stay

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Should He Stay or Should He Go? Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United States, has been on the $20 bill for several decades. But in the 1990’s, students from Seminole Middle School in Plantation, Florida challenged this. They wrote to the U.S. Treasury Department, asking them to replace the picture of Jackson on the bill. President Jackson had faults, which have led people to believe that he should be removed from the bill. On the contrary, he also had done positive things that have shown a better side to his presidency. Jackson’s image on the $20 bill has been a controversial subject for years now, and with the same question: should he stay or should he go? Though Jackson was not the perfect president, he had done positive actions during …show more content…

One of these actions is his treatment towards the Indians, which forced the relocation and resettlement of the Indians in the Indian Removal Law. It said that Indians on the east side of the Mississippi River had to move to the west. This law affected many tribes, including the Cherokee, who, before the Indian Removal Law, were told by Chief Justice John Marshall they could stay in their land in Georgia as long as they adapted to the ways of the white man. They abided by these rules, but later when gold was discovered on their land and the Georgia wanted to kick them out, the Cherokee went to the federal government in which Jackson told them: “John Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it.” Another negative thing Jackson had done was the spoils system, where he fired enemies and hired friends for government jobs no matter what their qualifications may be. Furthermore, Jackson had caused the Panic of 1837, when the stock market crashed and inflation happened. This happened because Jackson had taken all the money from the National Bank and put the money in small state banks, and as a result, state banks printed too much money and the value of money went

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