Essay On Why America Should Have A Flat Tax

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Why America Should Have a Flat Tax It would be an extreme benefit for the American economy if America would change its current tax system to a flat tax. There are many pros to this system. First, it is better overall for the entire economy. Second it is much better for small businesses to grow and be established. This will create more jobs. Third, it has proven to be successful in other countries. Therefore America should turn to a flat tax because of the benefits in the economy, the creation of small business and the proven success rate of it in other countries. To many people a flat tax would be far more appealing than the current tax system just because it is so much easier to complete. Amadeo wrote here about how simple a flat tax is compared what America currently has.
The current U.S. tax system is so complicated that it costs taxpayers a lot just to implement it. On average, it takes 28 hours and 30 minutes to figure out what you owe. That's whether you do your taxes, or you work the hours needed to pay someone else to do the taxes. The cost in lost productivity is $200 billion. Add to that the salaries of the 97,440 IRS employees. (Amadeo)
Not only is it …show more content…

“Advocates say that, with a flat tax, most people could figure their annual taxes on a simple postcard” (McGrath). That is how simple it is to do the flat tax. People don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars or reserve many hours to do their taxes; rather they can in a few minute have it completed. The Governor of Texas also said in 2011, “It simplifies the filing process, allowing taxpayers to complete their returns in minutes and submit them on a postcard. And it will save Americans up to $483 billion in annual compliance costs” (Perry). It would be legend if people could save $483 billion in just annual compliances only that it not even counting the growth effects that a flat tax would have on the

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