Essay On Which War Was The Most Deadly For America

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It’s time to talk about the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. Which war was the most deadly for America? Now you may be thinking that it’s World War Ⅱ, but you are wrong. To thoroughly determine which is the deadliest war we have to take in account of a few things: population growth, technology changes, medical changes, and increase of help. During WWⅡ, we had many technology improvements along with the increasing help of women. Since we did not have those things during the Civil War, it was then the deadliest war for our country. Advancements in weaponry occurred very rapidly during the time of World War Ⅱ. Tanks saw a great advancement in speed, armor, and firepower. The need for this change came from the increasing mobility of troops. Along with the power of tanks, semi-automatic and assault rifles were developed during these times. Other advancements would change in the small arms. While, guns and tanks had their fair share of advancements, aircraft development was the most important. It had an increasing use throughout the war: bombers, fighter, and reconnaissance. Bomb raids were very common and used as an alternate to the trench warfare. The …show more content…

Women served in noncombat areas such as mechanics repairing vehicles, army post offices sorting mail, and working in communications and warning systems. There were 150,000 women in the WAC by the end of the war.Women also served as pilots as Women's Airforce Service Pilots or WASPs. These were women who already had pilot's licenses. They flew military planes between army bases and flew cargo planes carrying supplies. This freed up men pilots for combat missions. Women also worked in factories to make up for the million of males that were gone. They played an important role of taking care of their family financially and physically, but others played parts in the war that would allow for more men to

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