Essay On Voting Behavior

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Voting is a political liberty of many law-abiding citizens of the United States of America. In today’s culture, there is a widespread belief that America’s youth do not vote, and in turn possess the lowest voter turnout amongst citizens. This research will discuss the voting behavior of America’s youth as it relates to their older counterparts. With young people accounting for 21% of the eligible voting population, it is necessary for them to understand the importance their voting participation has on society (CIRCLE, 2010). America’s youth is slightly disengaged from the political world and tend to vote less often than older voters. However, this disconnect from politics does not exist because they are uninterested in political practices. Arguably, voter turnout is the lowest for youth because there is a lack of political awareness. Young adults are not properly targeted during campaign seasons and lack the necessary tools to be considered an informed voter.
This research asks the question: what factors cause youth voter turnout to be the lowest among U.S. citi...

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