Essay On Urbanization

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Every year thousands of species become extinct as a result of the human population increasing and creating new living environment, but at the same time several species are becoming more diverse. While the increasing amount of homes being build is associated with just being beneficial to human it can also be beneficial to the biodiversity, which is an indicator of the various species in a particular habitat, of several diversities. Such as the diversity grown and functionality of trees, North American amphibians, and forest-dwelling mammals, etc (Nock, Paquette, Follett, Nowak, & Messier, 2013; Gregg, Jones & Dawson, 2003; Scheffers & Paszkowski, 2012; Villarseñor, Driscoll, Escobar, Gibbons, & Lindenmayer, 2014). It is hypothesized that urbanization is causing a great loss in …show more content…

In am experiment by Villarseñor, Driscoll, Escobar, Gibbons, & Lindenmayer, (2014) the affects urbanization has on the diversity of mammals. They hypnotized that an increase in urbanization has caused a decline in vertebrates in urban landscapes. An area on the south coast of New South, Wales was studied with 81.4% area being covered by landscape, 13.4% was an urban area and 5% was used for industrial buildings. After studying how mammals who live in an area close to populated city and comparing to those that lived further away it was concluded that the abundance of mammals decreased with the distance to urban boundaries, the denser the area is with housing development the lower the biodiversity is in the area, and finally that over time will be a graduate change in the abundance of all species living in the forest near the more urbanized areas. Studying other species in the area can give could’ve given a better understanding on how the difference species react to urbanization. Also, forest that are near various sizes of urbanization, and how the effects each size has on the forest dwelling

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