Essay On Triangles

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A triangle is a shape with a total of three sides. The triangle to me looks like one side of “ The Great Pyramid”. A triangle is a two dimensional figure. In a three-dimensional form, it is a pyramid. I strongly believe that the triangle is the most unique shape of all of the shapes. There are many different types of triangles. Obtuse and acute triangles are the two different types of oblique triangles, triangles in which are not right triangles because they do not have a 90 degree angle.A special right triangle is a right triangle with some regular features that make calculations on the triangle easier, or for which simple formulas exist. Knowing the relationships of angles or ratios of sides of special right triangles allows one …show more content…

Some people make triangles out of glass or wood to put on the inside or outside of their homes. Many different triangles can make many different beautiful pieces of artwork for many different things.Some things include paper, road signs, boomerangs, and or sculptures.

There is a triangle called the Heronian triangle. It has area and side lengths that are all integers. The Heronian triangle is named after the great hero of Alexandria. The term is sometimes applied more widely to triangles whose sides and area are all rational numbers. An Isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. Sometimes is specified as having two and only two sides of equal length. Triangles are polygons with the least possible number of sides, which is …show more content…

Figuring out problems with triangles can be hard as you can see. The three altitudes of a triangle meet at a common point. The point is called the orthocenter off the triangle. I really like the shape, triangle! If I like triangles, why wouldn’t you? Do you love triangles? I love triangles because they can not make you sick, and every one knows that being sick is not good at all. As you can see, triangles are the most unique shape that has ever been discovered or made. By the way, this was

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