Essay On The Victorian Era

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The Victorian Era lasted from (1837-1901), this era would drastically change society into the modern way of life. Throughout the era, came change within medicine, industry, science, cultural life and social manners. With the help of key characters we are able to see how a man should act in the era with different aspects. In the novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson, he is able to give us an insight of the Victorian lifestyle with the help of Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Utterson, and Mr. Enfield each one representing a different norm. Victorian Era was influenced greatly by the scientific field bring innovations and changes to society. Robert Louis Stevenson gave birth to a character named Henry Jekyll, who gave his life in the name of science. Dr. Jekyll and other Victorian scientists made "major developments in medicine and health care" (Cody). Dr. Jekyll and his other counterparts made many improvements for medicine and health care. One attempt was Dr. Jekyll trying to conceal the affects of split personalities for those who suffer by it, al...

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