Essay On The Unwritten Constitution

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This essay will consider different sources of the constitution. It also requires to reach a conclusion as to whether the UK unwritten constitution flexible and this flexibility create some fact limitations on the UK constitutions. It will explain by looking at the constitution making process and analysing each part of the process.

The constitution is a set of rules and principles by which a state is governed. It is a basic principle and a significant part of any country's system of government. The constitution should define a relationship between the government of a nation and its people. Constitution mainly based on customs and precedent which published in statute and judicial decision. It can manage an institution by its comprised rules and regulation by which the people agree to be governed. Without a constitution an organisation is being unable to perform the function for which it was created and being confused that how the organisation is to operate. The constitution provides some terms and condition which must be conducted by the monarch or parliament. Constitutions are mainly classified into five categories they are, written and unwritten, rigid and flexible, supreme and subordinate, federal and unitary, republican and monarchical.

A Written constitution is a formal single document which contains the fundamental principles about the state administration, the right of citizens and passed by the government or monarch. The examples of written Constitution are US constitution. On the other hand, if the constitution has not been reserved as a single document and not even passed by a specific body and the fundamental principles of the state exist in Judicial decisions, political customs and in some scattered documents t...

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...e, reflecting changes in the political situation as and when they occur. Thus the constitution can evolve gradually.

Not necessarily the written constitution is a restraint for flexibility of any constitution. A written constitution contains a wide range of customary rules and practices, but does not have all the detailed rules upon which government depends. The customary rules and practices is not difficult to change and its constant evolution could reduce the need for formal amendment of the written constitution.

In conclusion, it is submitted that- the British constitution is flexible because it is not fixed, and can be changed relatively easily. The British constitution, where, in theory, Parliament is sovereign and can make and unmake laws as it pleases. This system is reformed when needed and so long this system works well, which is still highly regarded.

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