Essay On The Tone Of Fall Of The House Of Usher

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In the article, “Dead Woman Wailing: Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Fall of the House of Usher’” by Norman, head-on he reveals a haunting tone of this story. His statements led you to believe the language of the narrative immediately brings the reader into the surreal and horrific world of the Ushers as the unnamed narrator describes his approach to the exterior of the House of Usher. Norman gives the reader an arousing feeling of apprehension and claustrophobia that conveys and supports some of the story's larger themes and expresses a unified artistic feeling. Norman conveys a comprehensive analysis of details that summaries the valid points of the story. The most immediately striking aspect of the introductory paragraph of the story is the expression of the haunting tone. He dives into an evaluation of the Usher’s, “corpse, and a victim to the terrors he had anticipated” (335). This statement left a depressing vibe comparable to an opiate expression. There were a lot of valuable key words and phrases the reader can gather of the mystery in the story. The existence of a frightening tone i...

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