Essay On The Shang Dynasty

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War and conquest made China how great it is today. “Chinese history is commonly discussed in terms of a succession of dynasties. The Shang Dynasty was the first to have writing, metalworking, cities, and chariots. The Shang were overthrown by one of their vassal states, which founded the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou rulers set up a decentralized feudal governmental structure that evolved over centuries into a multistate system. As warfare between the states intensified in the sixth century B.C.E., social and cultural change quickened. It was in this period that the philosophies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism were developed.” The Shang Dynasty was known as the Bronze Age. Many artifacts from the Yin dynasty were unburied from underneath the earth, also the Yin dynasty was known as the last capital of Shang. It was known as the Bronze Age, because they used bonze for many things. They used bronze vessels for ceremonies and also used bronze weapons in war. The Shang kings were buried with many small pieces of bronze metal. Metal was mainly only for royalty. Shang also had some of the earliest of Chinese writings. Their writings were symbols not charters. They would write on turtle shells and also on bones. Shang’s writings were one of earliest writings that can be traced back too. They were skilled in many areas. First, the …show more content…

“Confucius saw five relationships as the basis of society: between ruler and subject; between father and son; between husband and wife; between elder brother and younger brother; and between friend and friend.” His teachings went on for generations after he passed away. Mencicus and Xunzi were the main two followers to spread his ideas all over. They offered advice to rulers on his thoughts. They tried to tell them that people would like best a benevolent government. This government would ease tax burdens, improve the people, and also men who volunteered to serve an unworthy ruler earned his

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