Essay On The Minister's Black Veil

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In The Minister’s Black Veil, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rev. Hooper takes a risk by wearing a black veil over his face. He is judged by his community for doing this. He shows the community that it’s okay to sin because God can forgive you. Rev. Hooper sacrifices his reputation as a preacher by wearing this veil over his face, this highlights that Hooper is a brave character that is trying to send a message. Initially, Rev. Hooper is displayed as a mysterious character. He is seen as a mysterious character because of the black veil he wears over his face. In the very beginning of the story Rev. Hooper walks in to the church wearing a black veil. One of the people in the congregation says this about Rev. Hooper “ Our parson has gone mad!” ( Hawthorne 27). Rev. Hooper displays that he is very brave, and trying to send a message by not explaining why he is wearing the veil. He doesn’t care what the people of the community think of him. This also puts his reputation as a preacher on the line. This is one of many ways that Rev. Hooper displays his brave character. …show more content…

In the critical essay “ The Minister’s black Veil’ and Hawthorne’s Ethical Refusal of Reciprocity: A Levinasian Parable” N.S. Boone explains what people think of Hawthorne’s character. Boone also adds that Rev. Hooper is a very suspicious character because he wears the black veil over his face ( Boone 34). This highlights that Rev. Hooper is a very brave character in the story. He is brave because he isn’t afraid to be judged, or put his reputation in jeopardy by wearing the black veil. This suggests that Rev. Hooper is also trying to send a message by wearing the black veil. This is one way Rev. Hooper’s character is highlighted in the

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