Essay On The Looking Glass Wars

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In The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor, the story of alice in wonderland is modified and changed to where Alyss is the Princess of Wonderland, who is forced to leave wonderland when her evil Aunt Redd takes over and kills alyss’ parents. When hatter madigan and alyss are separated in the pool of tears, Alyss ends up alone in England. Eventually returning to take back her throne. When changing the story he developed new themes like how Dodge, Jack of Diamonds, and Alyss can not stay children forever. One character who needs to grow up is Dodge. In the beginning of the story all he ever did was go around with alyss pranking and playing jokes on wonderlanders, He also got easily embarrassed and would not let go of the past later in the book. The narrator asserts that, “Dodge became embarrassed whenever she showed it to him, so she showed it to him often.”(Beddor 30). This proves my point about dodge getting …show more content…

Dodge gets easily embarrassed and will not let go or forget about the past. The reason dodge needs to grow up is because he needs to in the beginning of the book to grow up and do his dad's job but latter in the book he needs to look towards the future and forget about the past. Jack of Diamonds needs to grow up because in the book he would be very useful as a warrior like dodge but instead he wimps out. He also needs to stop being fearful, man up, and go do something to save wonderland from Red. The final character and the main character Alyss needs to grow up because she was always pranking people and never wanted to grow up as it is seen when something difficult happens. Like she getting lost in london. The theme of that you can not stay a child forever and you need to grow up shows the readers that this is how you can do great things. By conquering your fears, looking not at the past but the future, and knowing you can not do everything alone will show you the importance of growing

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