Essay On The Discourse Of Sex By Foucault

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Foucault capitalizes that power and knowledge contribute to the discourse of sex; he discusses how people in power controlled this discourse to repress sex entirely. Foucault talks about the repressive hypothesis in his book. The repressive hypothesis states that whoever holds the power, also controls the discourse on sexuality. Specifically, those in power, according to the repressive hypothesis, exercise to repress the discussion of sex. In addition, Foucault comments that knowledge represents power. Whoever has the power can dictate the language of the population, thus this causes powerful people to also regulate the knowledge of the population. Although Foucault does not agree with every aspect that the repressive hypothesis exclaims, he agrees about the timing of when people started to repress sex. With rise of the bourgeoisie in the 17th century, a rise in tighter control about sex also took place. Foucault stated that the discourse of sex remained …show more content…

Compassionate men connect on a deeper level because they show me that they care and they have the capacity to console me when I feel dejected. Men who have compassion also express empathy; they can comprehend the emotions of others. I find this attractive because I know that they can comfort me through my hardships and I can rely on them to understand my feelings. I find that men with the quality of compassion possess sexiness because they have knowledge. Their knowledge and insight on other’s thoughts and emotions gives them power. This power that they possess, because of compassion, exhilarates and frees one’s soul; they can free others from one’s burdens because their power allows a change in attitude and can facilitate an improved mood. In addition, I find a compassion man sexy because they allow me to see a piece of their heart and it reflects in the way that they show a deep soulful connection with me through their kindness and

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