Essay On The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki

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Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki At approximately 8:15 on Aug 6th 1945 a US B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Instantly killing around 80,000 people, 3 days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, causing the deaths of roughly 40-80,000 more people. In the months following the attack, roughly 100,000 more people died slow, horrendous deaths as a result of radiation poisoning. In less than 100 hours two cities were completely destroyed and somewhere between 250-300,000 people were killed. The dropping of the bombs, which occurred by executive order of the US president Truman, remains the only nuclear attack in the history of the world… Leading Up to the Bombing There were multiple events that …show more content…

The blast was felt as far as 37 miles away, over three quarters of Hiroshima’s buildings were destroyed and the blast wave itself was said to have shattered the windows of houses up to 10 miles away. Countless fires started via the thermal pulse of the blast which combined to start a firestorm that completely demolished everything within about 4 miles from where the bomb was dropped. Soon after the dropping of the bomb, “black rain” started to fall in the northwestern part of the city filled with the soot, dust, dirt, and radioactive material that had risen into the air caused by the blast. This black rain caused contamination into areas that weren’t even affected by the blast, the dropping of the bomb affected a lot more people than than just the residents of Hiroshima. After seeing the explosion from an aerial view a co-pilot from the B-29 bomber commented “My God, what have we done?”, one can only imagine all the terrible thoughts that were going through that man 's

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