Essay On The Anarchy Of Production

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Theoretical by Engle’s brings to our attention that societies being divided into classes or estates, are determined by what is produced and how it is produced, and how the product is exchanged within those societies. The mode of production is changing, and we need to understand these changes. We can further enlighten ourselves on this society by seeing how commodities are being produced and also how the material needs of a society are being met. We are currently under the capitalist mode of production and it is irrational and unjust. Correspondingly, historical materialism plays a big part in this. The materialistic conception bases around a societies mode of production, how those products are being produced and how the products are being …show more content…

In this quote from Engles we see the first contradiction: “Between the organization of production in the individual factory and the anarchy of production in the society as a whole” (Engels, p. 299). The organization of production in the individual factory consists of having direction and organization of what is needed to be done, what needs to be produced and how much will me made. They try to achieve the assigned goal as rapidly as possible. The anarchy of production contains no planning and acts spontaneously in its production. There is a lack of organization. The problem that arises from this mode of production is that both the owners and the producers do not know how much of a product is needed and how much society actually needs these goods. This leads to the company overproducing the product. “The anarchy of social production became apparent and grew to greater and greater height. But the chief means by aid of which the capitalist mode of production intensified this anarchy of socialized production was the exact opposite of anarchy. It was the increasing organization of production, upon a social basis, in every individual productive establishment” (Engles p. 298). Anarchy is unorganized, is not being controlled by anyone and is all in all equal. The Anarchy in social production on the other hand is unequal. They are using the organization of production to really increase the productivity of …show more content…

302). The mode of production rebels against the mode of exchange due to a surplus of production going on for a product, but in exchanging there were various other people trying to sell the exact same product. Now machines have taken over the people, because one machine can produce more then all of the workers combined, even faster. “That machinery, the most powerful instrument for shortening labour-time, becomes the most unfailing means for placing every moment of the labourer 's time and that of his family at the disposal of the capitalist for the purpose of expanding the value of his capital.” (Engles p. 300). People are losing their jobs because of these machines that are taking over. The capitalist are using these machines to their advantage because they don’t need to pay the workers anymore which results in them saving money. While the capitalist save money the workers are losing the jobs that gained them that

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