Essay On The Amazon Rainforest Deforestation

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Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest: Effects

‎This report will discuss the effects of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest on the people and Environment and suggest possible solutions for deforestation. The Amazon Rainforest located near Brazil is being cut down at a rate of roughly 10,000km every year according to Source 1. Deforestation is affecting the entire planet.

One reason that the Rainforest is being cut down is for logging, according to Source 3 logging accounts for 10% of rainforest deforestation. The timber from logging is often used for paper, tables and and sometimes fuel. The rainforest has remained untouched for many years before companies came for wood, because of this there are large amounts of unspoilt plants and …show more content…

According to Source 3 "other" activities (including mining) take up 5% of reasons for for deforestation. As the rainforest is mostly untouched there is still minerals to be excavated from under the ground. This has led to mining companies buying areas of the rainforest to excavate it.

Some effects of deforestation are that, according to Source 4, the cutting down of trees is adding to global warming as trees take in carbon dioxide produced by humans and give out oxygen for us to breathe. Burning trees also produces greenhouse gases which are released into the atmosphere. With less trees, there will be more carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere which will lead to more heat being trapped, heating up the planet further - resulting in the ice caps melting and animals like the Polar Bear going extinct.

Effects of deforestation for mining are that tribes who have been isolated from the outside world will have their land and lives disturbed as people come into the rainforest to mine for minerals. Tribesmen/woman upon joining modern life often become unemployed and have drink and drug problems. Sometimes foreigners can also bring over diseases which the Tribes have never encountered, thus not being immune and often dying. Roads would also have to be made which would mean people possibly coming to the Amazon Rainforest and disturbing the tribe's way of

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