Essay On The Achievement Gap

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The achievement gap is often described as the academic discrepancy in the test scores of minority and other low-income students and the test scores in their White and Asian peers. However the gap in scores affect many different groups across many different walks of life in America. Different groups may trail behind their peers at different points in their academic careers. Classic examples are boys in their early years of schooling and girls in high school math and sciences. The differences between students from various backgrounds are more apparent on the large-scale standardized tests. The gaps in test scores more than often lead to longer-term gaps, including high school and college completion and even in the kinds of jobs these students are able to maintain as adults. The achievement gap has been part of the American school system since the early days of schooling. It used to be that the rich kids would do better because they had time to focus on their studies wherein the poor farm kids would have to go home and help on the farm. These poor kids would not get to study as much as the rich kids and therefore they would not do near as well in the classroom. A lot of the time the parents of the poor children did not understand why their kids were being forced to go to school instead of being made to help them harvest crops which would have been a much better use of their time. Schools have gone through many phases in American history since their debut circa 1635 in the Colonies. First only boys were allowed to go, then only white boys and white girls, then other ethnic groups were allowed to join in, and now it is absolutely mandatory for every single child that inhabits the United States to attend school. You would ... ... middle of paper ... ...% as possible. That should be the way we measure the how good our schools are. That is the true test on how are schools are succeeding. How many students live they improve. The number one role our schools should play in a student’s life is to make them improve themselves. Academically, socially, mentally, physically, all of these are important in making our students better people. Who knows that poor black kid that doesn’t want to try in your class could invent the next life-changing invention? Or, maybe the same kid could go on to be a great athlete, president, CEO, or maybe even you will have such an affect on your life he will want to grow up and be a teacher. So that he can do the same to some other student of his. Isn’t that the best way to improve our school districts for the better? Instill the hunger to learn in our students that will never be sated?

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