Essay On Tequila

1108 Words3 Pages

Melissa Vigilance

Some say to take life with a grain of salt. Maybe people should, alongside the rim of a glass filled with Triple Sec, sour mix, and a bit of some wonderful Tequila. Herradura, Patrón Silver, Jose Cuervo, and Milagro Romance are all examples of go-to brands of tequilas, however different they may look, but they all come from the same story. The peppery-tasting tequila has a rich history, reaching as far back in time to Aztec culture, being birthed during Spanish conquest in Mexico. From that, a traditional process of cooking, fermentation, and distillation of the agave plant has evolved into a drink that is even used for one of the most widely ordered drink in America, the margarita. Tequila’s deep set history left a lot of room for myths, and even improvements in health benefits. Tequila is a fun, beneficial, and should be tried by all, or rather, those of legal drinking age.

Origins of Tequila
A drink of central Mexican terroir, folklore, rituals, and everyday life, has made its way onto shelves worldwide over thousands of years. This drink, tequila, eponymously named after its town of origin (Tequila), originated in the Mexican state Jalisco. The history of tequila can be traced back 2,000 years ago to Indian tribes that inhabited central Mexico experimented with the indigenous agave plant. The agave plant is a relative of lilies, but resembles the aloe vera plant in shape and appearance (as they both sport spiked cactus-like leaves). Similar to the differences between bourbon and Scotch, Mezcal and tequila are sold as two different products. Although all agave plants can be used for Mezcal wine, the production of Mezcal wine is the preliminary step to making tequila. Furthermore, only the blue a...

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...a healthy appetite before a meal, and help one digest the meal after, as well as lower LDL levels (bad cholesterol). Clearly, purchasing a bottle of tequila can be a great investment for those with dietary issues.

Tequila is much more than what gave the man at the bar his worst hangover. It reveals a whole world that is part of Hispanic history. One plant from Mexico can serve so many purposes. Aside from its origins, processing, aging, and surrounding folklore, tequila can be an amazing drink when consumed in moderation. They can be used even further than just in cocktails. It can be used to impart a bit of flavor in dishes, as a cold remedy, and it is even being explored as a possible alternative source of energy (Bender). Tequila is a great way to start playing with food, and hopefully, in the future, a great solution to environmental issues.

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