Essay On Student Discipline

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What’s Your Role in Student Discipline?
Addressing student behavior and discipline is a developing process for schools across the United States. Although there will never be a complete resolution for all student behavior problems, there are ways to improve through a team discipline approach by assuming your role in the discipline effort of a student. Adopting roles for student discipline can be a challenge for school leadership, teachers, students, and parents. The goal in defining and assuming a role should be a collaborative process that is appropriate and meets the needs of the student. Below is a reflection of what these roles could possibly look like.
School Leadership Depending on the division of responsibilities between a school
A teacher with a plan that manages all aspects of their classroom well will minimize their disciple problems. Many teachers have different approaches when dealing with classroom discipline. Many times a plan can differ depending on the dynamic of the class or student. I few things a plan might include are reward systems, action plans, or take-home documentation. Whatever the plan a teacher develops and puts in place must be clear and understood by the students, consistent, and enforced.
Teachers must also make a special effort to partner with school leadership and parents. The support of everyone involved is important for discipline plans to be successful. Communicating the classroom plan would be the first step followed by providing additional documentation of efforts made with students. School leadership and parents should always be well versed on any ongoing student behavioral
Many parents want to be an active part in ensuring their child is achieving in school. It is the responsibility of the parent to know and understand school rules and policies, as well as understand disciplinary actions to be taken if rules and policies are not followed. Parents should work to be involved with their child’s school and assist the school by providing insight and means for correcting unacceptable behavior that happens at school. This would include keeping the school informed of their child’s needs, any changes at home, and requesting information on their child’s performance and behavior at school regularly. Ultimately they should work with school leadership and teachers to encourage good

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