Essay On South Korea

705 Words2 Pages

In the last four decades, the Republic of South Korea has accomplished a high level of economic growth and global integration to develop into a high tech industrialized market. This economic growth has permitted the nation’s rise from the results of the Korean War and into the ranks of the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD). In today’s world South Korea is consider the world’s 12th largest economy and the United States 7th largest trading partner. In the next few paragraphs, I’ll discuss several of South Korea’s capabilities, opportunities, requirements and vulnerabilities that allowed for the countries rapid economic growth.
The principle that spurred the rapid industrialization growth and development was the emphasis in the industrial sector and the implementation of an external strategy in the early 1960’s. This strategy came in practical during this particular instance because of South Korea’s minimal natural resources, lack of the public saving rates and small domestic market. This export oriented approach propelled the nation’s economic growth by providing a labor intensive manufactured exports, in which the country was able to develop a competitive advantage throughout the Asian continent. In the late 1980’s manufacturing commerce accounted for almost 30 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and 25 percent of the employment force. The foreign monetary assistance contributed to the low saving rates by enabling South Korea to achieve a speedy increase in exports, ensuing in the increase of national revenue. The introduction of newer technology into out of date or newer facilities increased the production of goods, especially the ones sold in foreign markets which resulted into further indus...

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... international investors as well as development of the country’s infrastructure.
Final Analysis:
The economy in South Korea continues to grow in a steady pace with effective trades with the International community. Their reforming procedures enforce by their President has allowed the country to recover from an earlier slow economy growth and difficult crisis. The Peninsula keeps close partnership with the top five economic leading (U.S., China, Japan, Singapore) countries and successfully keeping the effective trades for their future economic infrastructure. Technology will remain the number one focus for exporting, trading with other countries as the demand increases throughout the world. The future looks challenging and promising as they adapt new economic strategies that will keep South Korea as one of the leading trading / exporting countries in the world.

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