Essay On Social Determinants Of Health

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The Social Determinants of Health encompasses how one relates our current health care system to an individual’s health needs. These are measured through looking at different factors within an individual’s life. By first excessing ones age, sex and constitutional factors, a broader picture can be created expanding upon individual lifestyle factors, social and community networks, and finally general socio-economic, cultural and environment conditions (Cukier, 2014). Just a short glance is needed to see how numerous outside influences can have powerful effects on the level of health status an individual can attain. Universally Canada is known for its free health care, with the assumption that everyone is entitled to such a privilege. …show more content…

Income is one of the many influences, and quiet one of the most important social determinants of health (Mikkonen, Raphael, 2008, p.3). Effecting things such overall living conditions, psychological functioning, and influences health-related behaviours such as quality of diet, extent of physical activity, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol use, proving how critical income is when determining health status, especially when the individual has a disability . With research also showing how poor health is linked with having low literacy and little education, one can see how both income and education go hand in hand in an individual’s health (Cukier, 2014). This causes great concern for those persons with disabilities who fall into these unfortunate circumstances, creating even more of gap in health care inequality. Canada, outside of Korea, provides the lowest compensations and benefits to its citizens with disabilities (Mikkonen, Raphael, 2008, p.16). Material and social deprivation is often another secondary influence from poor income and education. It was found that the greater the deprivation, the less likely individuals and families are able to afford the basic requirements of health, or in this case care for their loved ones with disabilities (Mikkonen, Raphael, 2008, p.17). To better understand disabilities and there effect …show more content…

High quality health care is a basic human right, yet it was found that one third of individuals with a disability assessed their health status as fair to poor, compared to the three-fourths of individuals without disabilities assessing their health as excellent or very good (Berslin et al., 2009). Adding to the already tremendous obstacles to health care services, it was found that most health care providers did not have appropriate training and awareness, causing incorrect assumptions and stereotypes about people with disabilities, which can affect the quality of care resulting in inadequate and inappropriate care (Berslin et al., 2009). Examples of this could be as simple as the health care provider not providing reproductive care and counselling because they see individuals with disabilities as sexually inactive, to something as serious as not providing anesthesia due to assuming people with developmental disabilities do not feel pain (Berslin et al., 2009). This can cause extreme awkwardness, frustration and discomfort for individuals who experience this, damaging trust and making them less likely to seek out appropriate health care next time (Berslin et al., 2009). Limited transportation and accessibility can also prove to be a barrier to health care services. With facilities and a world in general not built for those with disabilities, it can be

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