Essay On Snow Falling On Cedars

505 Words2 Pages

Snow Falling on Cedars: Book Review

Selecting the book Snow Falling on Cedars turned out to be an extremely good choice

for me. I have found the book to be extremely well written, as well as informational and

Right from the outset I found myself immersed in the story that the author (David

Guterson) painted on the pages. I have always loved reading and watching mysteries, and this

book was no different. Guterson was able to recount a believable trial and debate. It had

testimonies cross examined and evidence presented and refuted, all while having the character’s

personal stories tied into the bigger picture. The fact that the book had all of these elements in it

actually made me think. I would try to solve the case myself …show more content…

Another unique thing about this novel

was that racism was never dubbed to be right or wrong. Sure, there were characters that stated

things that contradicted it, but there was never a direct line stating “Racism is horrible.” This

contributed to the feeling of suspense, as well as my sympathy for the characters. Another thing

that made the book so intriguing. A crucial part of a good novel is the characters, and this

particular novel had extremely well developed ones. Each had their own personal stories, which

helped to move the story along tremendously. Finally, one last thing that stood out to me was the

actuality of choice. This novel was all about the power of choice, and whether it be right or

wrong, how it effects those around us. Snow Falling on Cedars had some extreme conflicts

solved by choice, and that is what I took the most out of reading this novel. I really got to

understand how much power one individual holds, and if they decide on the wrong choice how

very effective it can be. Most people do not realise how much power they have within

themselves, and so when dealing with big choices we, need to take more time for reason, as to

make sure we do not do anything

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