Essay On Sex Trafficking In America

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Take a moment to look at our country. From the outside we seem nice. We’re unified, we’re free, we’re protected, and we’re respectful. But if you take a closer look into our society you’ll see that some of those things aren’t true. Our government isn’t who we think they are because the basic human rights for U.S. citizens are absent in our country since our government still practices discrimination to this day. Some is covered up; some is blatant; but it’s here whether you want it to be or not. California is the largest sex trafficking state in America. This is important because Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms” (5). Right here in our country, innocent children are being sex trafficked in multiple states. Huffington posts says 300,000 kids are sex trafficked in the United States each year. Another example is Trump’s ex-judge in Kentucky pleaded guilty to sex trafficking adults and encouraging trafficking and unlawful transactions of minors. He …show more content…

In our country now exile is the same thing as deportation. In an article online, three Mexican- American kids had their dad stolen away from them because he was an illegal immigrant. Some may say the police did the right thing because he wasn’t a U.S. citizen, but his kids were affected and so was his wife. The mother was forced to take care of three kids and herself with the income of working in a factory. On multiple accounts, the federal agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement have picked up immigrants at their green card couple interviews. Nelson Mandela said “Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all” (6). Justice is not being served if our government isn’t treating everybody in our country, legal or not,

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