Essay On Sequoyah

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Sequoyah was a Cherokee indian who developed the written alphabet of the Cherokee Indians. His language consisted of eighty-six characters. He was born in 1776 at the village of Tuskegee. He was born in 1776 and he married a Cherokee woman. He was on the list to fight against the British along with other Cherokees and some Creeks in the War of 1812. Sequoyah was exposed to writing early in his life. Despite this he never learned the English alphabet. He and the other natives that were fighting for America in the War of 1812 were not allowed to read the reports and other things, so he was inspired to create an alphabet for the Cherokee. Soon he translated the thoughts of Cherokee people into eighty-six characters. He taught the sounds to his …show more content…

The people loved the new language. Within three months thousands of Cherokee people learned the language. Songs, hymns, and other pieces of literature were translated into the new language. Sequoyah was awarded a silver medal for his accomplishments. In 1829 Sequoyah was moved to Oklahoma along with thousands of other Cherokees. He then built a log cabin that is still standing and can be visited today. The Cherokee advocate is a writing written by a Cherokee called “The Worm”, who had traveled with them, about their travels. During his time on the “Trail of Tears” Sequoyah faced many challenges. He became very ill, shortly into the journey and had a lack of food and horses. The Worm looked for Mexican settlements in order to obtain horses. They found a cave for Sequoyah to shelter in while they looked for the settlements. After the long hard journey Sequoyah and The Worm reached Oklahoma where they built the log cabin. In 1845, Sequoyah died. However, he did not live a worthless life. He accomplished more than any other person in the Cherokee world. He also lived through many challenges and the Trail of Tears. Americans will remember Sequoyah for his written language, and his bravery on the Trail of Tears. He lived a short life, only 69 years, but it was an accomplished a memorable 69

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