Self-Care For Child Welfare Workers

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Abstract Self- Care for child welfare workers is very important in this day and age. The Social Worker field is one of the most difficult fields to work in, thanks to the many disruptions found within the child welfare system. Often times, self-care for child welfare is done with minimum compensation and little reward. This is the reason self-care is extremely important. Over the years, there have been many different methods of self-care thought to be productive and positive for social workers. Meditation, spending time with family and friends, spending time alone, listening to music, enjoying a good hobby are just a few techniques that can help relieve the stress and tension that life can bring. Why…Because these things are simple. However, it is the time management that becomes a problem for those involved. In this brief report, findings explain how certain factors are relevant to the awareness of self- care for all child welfare workers. A brief discussion relating to specific themes emerging from self-care awareness such as: understanding the importance of self-care, understanding compassion as a quality …show more content…

With all the hassles and struggles of our everyday lives, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out without even knowing it. For parents and people who work around the clock, self care is often needed on a daily basis…especially with child care workers. Choosing to become a child care worker is a big decision for most; especially after they start getting into the trial and error of things. However, there are some who seem to answer their calling with a bit more ease. This may be because they have gone through the proper channels to properly handle dealing with such an emotional role. Over the years, there have been many different methods of self-care thought to be productive and positive for social workers. However, it is the time management that becomes a problem for those

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