Addressing the Surge of School Shootings in America

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School shootings is a major problem growing in America that needs to be controlled then eventually stopped. The society need to find a better solution on what can be done to help prevent the shootings from happening. Emily DeRuy(2015) stated that a “2014 FBI study found that between 2000-06 and 2007-13, active public shootings have increased about 150 percent in the U.S.” This shows that society has tried many ways to stop school shootings but still has not been successful completely. “In the wake of such tragedies, the reaction has become a routine: a flurry of ‘Thoughts and prayers,’ calls for increased gun control on the Left, rebuttals on the Right, and then silence, until the next shootings ignites the same cycle” (DeRuy,2015,p.2).
Multiple schools have taught students lockdown drills, security system, detectors, police watch, and what to do when an active shooter comes and starts a shoot out. Even though lockdown drills were not always effective because in the beginning students were taught to hide under the desk until the cops show or until the shooter is gone. This reason then can cause deaths or injuries because they are staying in one place while the shooter may be able to get in the school and shoot at them. Some of the options that were tried do not always work out because sometimes …show more content…

This way people know the best and safest outcome there is to stop or clear away from the shooter before the situation gets worse. More effective ways to stop school shootings is that people communicate with each other. If a person has a problem then they should go to someone they trust that can help them. Students need to realize the actions they have on each other and be careful with what they do. Sometimes there actions lead to a student act out and create a school shootings. Schools need to enforce better no bullying or threatening

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