Essay On School Lunches

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According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH) about one–third of children and adolescents ages 6 to 9 are considered to be overweight or obese. That means that 1 in 6 children and adolescents ages 9 to 19 are considered to be obese. That is a large number if you ask me and as a student between that age category, I ask myself what can be done to decrease those numbers.
School is the place where we students spend most of our time; teachers do not only teach us Math, English, Science, and History, they teach us valuable lessons about life. But the only thing that schools seem to be forgetting to teach us is how to eat healthy and how to take care of our bodies. As I see it schools have as much responsibility as parents have for children and adolescent obesity. There are so many things that our school can do to help decrease the number of overweight adolescents. I propose that our school offers us health classes, provides us with healthy lunches and offers us a way to get in shape and take care of our body’s.
Most if not all of Lynwood High’s students have no idea of how to take care of their body’s. That is why I propose that health classes are brought back to our schools. In these classes we …show more content…

Even though our school has a P.E period, most of the activity going on does not really do much for the student’s health. P.E is taken as a joke for most of the students, it is just a free period were you mostly do nothing. I propose that LHS invest in a gym or a pool and on an instructor that is actually willing to help us get in shape and learn the basics of

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