Essay On School Dress Codes

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In a small town in rural Illinois, a girl mid-way through her junior year of high school arrived to her Advanced Placement Latin class wearing leggings with a petite dress overtop (Dockterman). Leggings were against school dress code at her school, but because of the dress she wore over it, she assumed it would pass dress code requirements, given that she was appropriately covered (Dockterman). This, however, was not the case upon her arrival to her latin class. Her teacher noticed her dress code infraction, and sent her home, in tears, to change (Dockterman). By the time she returned to class, she had missed part of an important review for her AP Latin exam, and was the subject of snide comments from other students in the class (Dockterman). All United States schools have been enforcing dress codes with regulations similar to the one exemplified by the girl from Haven, Illinois. Dress codes such as these have been put in place particularly for female students all around the nation in hopes that girls will gain more self respect and become more modest. However, instead this often this leads to the ridicule of girls and “slut shaming” (Dockterman). The negative aspects and effects of school dress codes are greater and more significant than the positive effects dress codes have on students or a school learning environment.These strict dress codes that are implemented in the majority of today’s public schools and the restrictions they place on female students is unfair. The enforcement of dress codes on female students in United States schools are sexist, degrading, and unnecessary. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 72.8 million students currently enrolled in United States public high schools (United States Ce... ... middle of paper ... ... really the only requirement of male dress in United States schools. In addition to that, female students are not physically averting their peers eyes towards their bodies. A young girl cannot be held responsible for her peers choosing to be distracted by her clothing choices (Levin). It is each individual student’s responsibility to focus on their school work while in a learning environment (Levin). Girls should not be shamed by schools into covering their bodies, rather, their fellow students should be shamed for not controlling themselves. Sexism in dress codes transfers blame onto female students for sexual discrimination and distraction in the classroom instead of holding individuals of both genders responsible for their education (Dockterman). The choice of a student to deflect their focus from learning to another students dress is solely up to them (Levin).

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