Essay On Sarah Jane Passed Away

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My third reason is that a mother will always love their child. One great memory that I have from watching this movie is seeing Annie take Sarah everywhere she went even if she was working. Even though Annie and Sarah had disagreements she didn’t treat her daughter any different. Sarah Jane did everything in the world to disclaim her mother. She grew older in told her mother she did not want anything to do with her anymore and that she never wanted to see her again. Sarah Jane did not want anything to do with her mother until she passed away. That was when she finally realized how much her mother loved her. In the early 50’s late 60’s it was hard for blacks to be in America because of their skin color. (Marina) Sarah Jane was both black and white. Her white father died, however before Annie died she worked hard to take care of her. Sarah was not pleased to have a black mother because of the way that society looked at black people. Many viewers would say that Sarah Jane was ungrateful. Annie did not care about her daughter racial background. Sarah was destroyed to have a black mother …show more content…

I do agree being toughs on blacks is what made blacks stronger individuals. We can all admit each of us have a purpose in life. I also believe that sometimes the world can be unfair. Each of us were made differently and that is one of the reasons why we are special. That does not mean that others should be looked down upon as worthless. In Imitation of Life Sarah Jane family did not treat her differently. Suzie treated Annie as a sister. In early history most parents of different race did not allow their kids to play with one another. Yet in Imitation of Life Suzie and Sarah grew up together. Annie played as a great mother to Suzie but was a horrible unwanted mother to Sarah Jane. That is what makes the movie unique. That is why Imitation of Life was a great movie about racial issues. It proves that different race can get

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