Essay On Rwanda Genocide

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Rwandan Genocide
This horrific event led to about a million of lives ending abruptly. It prevented some children from blooming into the beautiful flowers they could have been. It caused some adults to wither and die, losing their green and blooms. The conflict that caused this spiteful event was the Hutu being told to kill all Tutsis. This command originated from the Tutsis being accused of killing the Hutus’ president (“Genocide-Rwanda”). The party responsible for instigating this calamitous event included figures of authority from the Hutu. The victims were the Tutsis, being massacred without a care in the world. The motivation was scapegoating, for the Hutu inculpated the Tutsis for the death of their president. This genocide occurred in Rwanda, and lasted only one-hundred days (“The Shameful Legacy”). Although it lasted for a miniscule amount of time, it had a lasting impact; killing five-hundred thousand to one million people. It lasted from April 1994 to Mid-July 1994. It was orchestrated by people with high authority in the Rwandan government (“Rwandan Genocide”). …show more content…

Now this lucky man is prosperous, has a loyal, kind, and loving wife, and has a daughter. All of his family members were involved in the genocide. He was told by one of his friends, who happened to be in the militia, that the persecutors were going after his family next. That night, his family and himself, stayed at a friend’s house. The next day, they traveled back to their house, and the entire thing was looted. The enemy eventually advanced on them, and they had to defend themselves. So, the whole population and the militia fought with all the spirit they could muster. They used machetes, sticks, clubs, and grenades. Some, but not many were able to escape. Jean Louis Mazimpaka, one year later, went back and was reminded of what he saw that previous year, appalling him

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