Essay On Roman Catholic Religion

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Religion is a big topic in America and other countries. My family is Roman Catholic. Once my family hosted a foreign exchange student from Indonesia and he was a Muslim. It was interesting to learn about his culture and his religious beliefs. We will compare and contrast Roman Catholic and the Muslim religions. Furthermore, Catholics believe in Jesus and proclaim him as the son of God ("Basic Beliefs of Catholicism"). Catholics believe in the bible and there are 7 sacraments within the church to becoming an adult in the church. The first sacrament is a child's baptism where the priest blesses the child with holy water ("The Seven Catholic Sacraments | Seasonal Feature | American Catholic"). Then, at around second grade a child will then receive First Communion and complete the sacrament of Reconciliation. This is where the child dresses in a fancy white dress, or wears business casual clothes for the young men("The Seven Catholic Sacraments | Seasonal Feature | American Catholic"). At around 8th grade a male and female will do the sacrament of Confirmation, where one becomes an adult in the eyes of the Catholic church ("The Seven …show more content…

Also, with the Quran and Bible within both religions. The kid our family hosted couldn't eat pork, and had to fast after sun down. In addition, when he was here in America he celebrated Christmas, but back home he didn't. Recently, this man had gotten married and a few of my family members went over to Indonesia to see him get married. They said that the bride wore a heavy headdress, and it was very elegant. Although, I am Catholic, and don't plan to change my views to another religion I feel learning about other people's cultures is a crucial part. People then, understand what is going on when someone mentions what they believe in. The topic of religion will be widely debated about for years to

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