Essay On Riot Grrrl

547 Words2 Pages

Representing Ideas Through Words In Music: The Riot Grrrl Movement

Throughout history, music has been the artistic stage of philosphoical output of both ideas, emotions and stories, enducing emotional and cogitational responses from the audience, through it’s representation of ideas and through ‘words in music’. Victor Hugo says- “Music expresses…. that which cannot remain silent” (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885), and is a predominant feature in the early 1990s ‘Riot Grrrl’ movement, in which female-empowerment bands would address modern issues of sexual abuse, racism, and the patriarchy through their underground, punk rock music.

Riot Grrrl began in 1991, when a group of women in Washington, D.C., held a meeting to discuss sexism in the punk scene. Inspired by recent antiracist riots, the women decided they wanted to start a “girl riot” against a society that oppressed women and their experiences.
“Riot Grrrl is:
BECAUSE we know that life is much more than physical survival and are patently aware that the punk rock ‘you can do anything’ idea is crucial to the coming angry grrrl ...

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