Essay On Renewable Energy

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overview It is true that within 2050, 75% of our power will be generated from renewable energy which is a renewable source of energy that comes naturally which is found in the environment. Right now, in the UK only 4 % of electricity comes from renewable sources. These sources of energy are infinite sources founded since humanity. It is powerful sources which can allow the whole worlds any kind of energy. There are many different types of renewable energy like; wind energy, solar energy , hydro , wave energy , biomass, geothermal fuel and many other sources. Throughout this research the type of renewable energy to be used is solar energy. Discussing solar energy technologies on producing electricity with detailed focus on • Solar road way lighting • Solar generator Introduction Renewable energy preexists in geographical areas all over the world, in contrast other sources of energy. The change of climate, global warming problems and high price of fuel encouraged the governments to support using renewable energy (1). There are many different technologies in using renewable energy each one has its effective way to use but the question here is how to get useful by this energy and which technology to be applied. Nowadays, renewable energy is applicable in four applications: 1- Generating Electricity 2- Heating Water 3- Producing fuel 4-off-grid energy needs Using renewable energy offer the world a great chance for better change as it doesn’t pollute the environment, infinity &variety sources of energy, secure &save energy needs and lower the cost of energy usage. Solar ene... ... middle of paper ... ...ugh systems are large mirrors, the trough are connected together in long lines and attract the sun rays. When the sun heat reflected on the mirror, this shape send most reflected heat under a receiver. The receiver tube is filled with a fluid (molten salt, oil) basically, this super-hot liquid heats water in heat exchanger. The water turns to steam and sent to turbine and from there it is business of settling power plant. Steam turbine spins the generator which makes electricity transferring it through transmission lines. Once the fluid transfer heat it recycled and the steam is also cooled then condensed and recycled again and again. One big advantage of this method is that the heated fluid can be stored and use layers of it to keep producing electricity. On the other hand; the only negative point is that it needs a lot of money to start settle the power plant and

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