Essay On Red Fish Interview

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I knew that I needed to get this interview done no matter where I was, or how low my phone battery was for taking notes, because my father and mother told me to not procrastinate. However, Drago’s baked redfish was an entirely different thing. I gobbled up the seasoned delight like my life depended on it and then, across the table in his casual dry-fit polo work shirt, jeans, boots, and stocky body type, my dad said he was ready to start. Warren Baer Anderson, often called Baer, is an accountant that works for Ecoserv, a company that cleans offshore equipment and disposes of waste. He graduated from STM on the 19th of May, 1994, and only days later he became determined to start getting on his feet, “I just decided that I wanted to earn money,” he recalls, “to be independent.” In order to make the money, he was working for his family’s business. “I was working for Anderson Wholesale Furniture in the warehouse as a warehouse hand,” he said. After his high school graduation, fortunately, he was promoted to work in the office. He knew that his education, …show more content…

As he was getting a clear picture, he said, “ I was a rule follower, as long as the rules made sense, though.” Apparently, the family business' rules made sense because my father was promoted again when he was 22 to President of the company. “ I was happy, proud, and it made me want to work more.” He felt that he was finally getting what he worked for. Unfortunately, three years later the family business had to close down, due to lack of sales. “I had to go to college at age twenty-five because of that,” my dad says while letting out a sigh. That event left my dad regretting the fact that he did not go to college right out of high school. My father then had to go to college so he could get a new job. My dad’s first day in college was August 23, 2001. “I just needed to get my supplies and I wanted to get classes done and over with, by that time,” he

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