Essay On Reconstruction After Civil War

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The Reconstruction after the Civil war was an era of great chaos and conflict in American history. The Reconstruction started at the same time as the Civil war but eventually ended in 1877. Also the Reconstruction was a huge try at a democracy that was interracial. When the north won in the Civil war it chose the outcome of the Union and slavery but it brought many problems. A key part of the Reconstruction was that the formers slaves were trying to take in there freedom and the rights they now have as citizens. Surprisingly, African Americans rather than act as victims, they really tried helping the Reconstruction. If everyone had the same view towards the Reconstruction it would of went a whole lot smoother but that's not exactly how it went. …show more content…

This conflict was between the Radical Republicans who wanted to penalize the south and the Southern Democrats wanted to keep their life how it is. Slavery in a way stopped at the end of the civil war. Their were three constitutional amendments that changed African American rights. The Thirteenth Amendment got rid of slavery in all states and territories. The Fourteenth Amendment stopped states from taking any male citizen of equal protection under law, no matter what race. The Fifteenth Amendment gave the right to vote African American males. The agreement of these amendments were required for Southern states to admit again into the Union. There was a time of reconstruction in the White House. The presidential reconstruction was from 1865 to 1867. After Lincoln, Andrew Johnson had a relaxed policy with the South. Andrew Johnson was for every state government is able to decide how the wanted to treat blacks. The North wasn't too happy with the South having a leader from the Confederates. Many were warned by the black codes of the South. These black codes were to keep white supremacy. After the recent freeing of blacks the South acted much like it did in the

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