Essay On Rebelling In America

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The scary truth behind the islamic reign is the idea of aftermath and the consequences that are to come. Creating a connection between Marji and ourselves is a difficult task in itself. She grows up in a dangerous, confused, divided, and judgmental society; sure we all go through these different situations separately throughout our lives but for Marji everything is conjoined into one specific time period. She is a growing teenager and is barely old enough to understand what is going on in her country. Marji is exposed to so many different life-changing experiences that her childhood in a way is take away from her. She is expected to grow up without the experience and forced to look down upon those who are less fortunate. In Marjane Satrapi’s …show more content…

The difference between rebelling in the US and in third-world countries are the situations in which they occur. In most situations when child rebel in the United States, they are rebelling against their parents/guardians about what we can and cannot do, who we hangout with, and what we wear, etc. The list goes on along the lines of social connection and what everyone else is doing. Specific to Marjane’s comic Marji is rebelling against the veils and the reasoning behind why these veils need to be worn. Following in her mother’s footsteps Marji does not wear a veil for the longest time, until the revolutionary war starts to get out of hand and women are “arrested” for wearing their veil improperly. The idea surrounds the fact that women’s hair excite men and urge them to be more sexually experimental and active. This idea can be directly related to the idea that if a women dresses “slutty” she deserves to be raped, in no way should this statement be considered accurate yet people all over the world believe it. With the idea of rebellion there comes a point where we outgrow this stage in our lives and as we gain experience we start to mature and grow up to become understanding and accepting

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