Essay On Quadriplegia

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Quadriplegia is caused by an injury to the spinal cord and results in paralysis of the entire body below the neck. In the novel Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes, Will Traynor suffers from quadriplegia after an accident that changes his life immensely. Will struggles with his new life and fails to see the point in continuing his life. Many people develop depression when enduring a sudden, life changing event that impacts their lives in an extreme and negative way. Currently, the rate of accommodations for people who endure a long term illness, including the victims of quadriplegia, are increasing. The underlying repercussions of quadriplegia, caused by the limiting lifestyle it triggers, vastly changes many lives and leaves an abundance of quadriplegics with uncertainty about living. The emotional, psychological, and physical border crossings from the novel Me Before You connect with real, existing issues in today’s society.
In Me Before You, Will Traynor experiences an extensive change when he becomes diagnosed with quadriplegia for the rest of his life. Will is hit by a car on his way home from work and becomes a quadriplegic. He tries to kill himself, but his mother stops him and hires Louisa Clark in attempt to assist Will. Louisa is a caregiver to watch over Will and persuade him that life is worth living. She tries to change his mind throughout the novel, but he continues to aspire to go to Dignitas, a place in Switzerland that medically assists people who wish to kill themselves. When Will inherits quadriplegia, his life changes consequentially from wanting to live to wanting to die. He believes he has justified reasons to take his own life. Once someone becomes diagnosed with quadriplegia, they no longer have as much control of...

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...c changes. Some people undergo depression while others learn to adapt to the new lifestyle. With creating Me Before You, Jojo Moyes revealed a novel containing a widespread of border crossings. Will physically changed after he was hit by a car and came across many emotional conflicts with his new life. Louisa withstood a psychological change, accepting that Will wanted to kill himself. Aside from the obvious emotional border crossings it comes with, quadriplegia has changed today’s general public for the best. The community is more informed, active, and aware of issues concerning quadriplegia and other long term disabilities. In the novel, Louisa embodies the general public as she is actively researching while assisting Will in his quadriplegic journey. The novel Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes would only be a great addition to a curriculum respecting border crossings.

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