Essay On Project Runway

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When asking yourself which media outlet continues to offer the most influential presence on our culture the answer is obvious. Television serves as the leading unifying media instrument in our society. Television has always reflected cultural changes and the increasing popularity of certain networks is due to reality television. This genre of television creates the concept of the “instant celebrity”. One example of a reality show that literally promises its participants fame and fortune is Project Runway.
Project Runway first premiered December of 2004. It has since had fourteen consecutive seasons and a series of successful spinoffs. In each episode the contestants are challenged to design the best themed garment and are restricted in time, budget and materials. Their models are judged by notable fashion icons and contestants are eliminated each week until they are down to three designers, four if the competition is tough. These finalists then have twelve weeks with a budget of $8000 to complete a fashion line to be shown at New York fashion week. The winner of Project Runway is then chosen to receive their luxurious prizes to start their own design label, with the most recent season’s prize package equaling half a million dollars. …show more content…

I have always been interested in the arts, in design as well as fashion. Although I know how to sew, I cannot say I want to pursue a career as a fashion designer. The show however has given me a behind the scenes look at the industry and has inspired me to become a fashion merchandiser. I think the ability the show has on bringing out someone’s potential is its greatest strength. A weakness of the show might be that sometimes the wrong contestant is eliminated but that’s more of a matter of opinion. Before Project Runway fashion was an industry the average person didn’t know much about, but since 2004 it has inspired thousands of people to pursue their ambitions, including

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