Essay On Privacy

607 Words2 Pages

VII. DISCUSSION The aim of this study was to investigate individual’s behavior around privacy issues and factors affecting it. For this purpose, a research model was developed with external factors (age, gender and profession) and the factors privacy concern, attitude and audience awareness influencing audience behavior. Also, hypotheses were formulated about the research model to examine differences based on gender, age and profession on individual’s attitude, concern and awareness. Analysis of the data resulted in some interesting findings: Men take more privacy risks than women; they share more high risk personal information and use poorer privacy settings. However, no significant differences were found between men and women regarding usage frequency of social networking sites. Both spend equal amount of time on social networks. It is statistically proven that teenagers less than 20 spend more time online than others. But, no significant differences were found between teens, young adults and adults with regard to privacy concern on serious issues. But young adults (age 21 to 40) ...

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