Essay On Poverty In Society

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“Why should I pay higher taxes so that some lazy poor person can pick up another unemployment check and go back on their couch and spend my money?”(Johnson). Does this sound recognizable? Unfortunately most of us have heard these anti-welfare point of view bountiful times before. Recent Census data display that about 48.5 million people equivalent to about 16% of the population are currently dealing with poverty (Johnson). This is the fourth continuous year that the poverty rate has expanded. The recession launched a vastly great deal of Americans into poverty, and despite the economy now repairing, wages are still delayed and people continue to battle nationwide. For plentiful, the only remedy is to curve to safety net programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, child care assistance, TANF, and unemployment benefits, to name a few. The ability to rise from poverty can be accomplished with one willingly to succeed however with society trying to over help them makes them lackadaisical so I would blame the structures of the society such as the economic structure and the fluctuations.
Nonetheless others may say that society is not some extreme idea that overpowers and controls us everyday. It is in the penetrating ways we think or why we do what we do. Society can not be blamed for the actions that one takes. Their point of view is that blaming society for every problem that we have is easy to do and in the case of poverty, there is a lot they can blame society for but we have to take action and be responsible ourselves. We may live in a free country but that doesn’t entitle us to do whatever we want. In some cases, sadly, people can’t fight for their rights like others can like for example the minority groups inc...

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...tled to help from the government. That's not fair to them. The system can be corrupt. No one benefits from just giving them free handouts and no limitations or tools to use to help them improve their lives. In cases like if one goes to welfare after they loose their job and apply for food stamps they will give you the food stamps and tell them in order to keep the assistance then they must participate in a job search program. Welfare helps one with food so long as they make an effort to look for a job, they give them a sheet and they must apply to jobs and have the employers sign the sheet to vouch for one who applies. However, they should give them some kind of job training skills whether it’s helping one get a G.E.D, resume and interviewing skills or a skill to help them land a better job where you make enough money to never need their help again or any time soon.

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