Essay On Postnatal Depression

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Postnatal depression is one of the most common type of depression that effects mother after childbirth. Due to the pervasive of postnatal depression it is become a require for each mother to learn several things about it such as postnatal depression prognosis, diagnosis, and the treatment options which are available to mothers who experiencing postnatal depression. Postnatal depression is not a disorder which is hard to prognosis and it is good to prognosis it early. It is unequivocal that women who prognosis postnatal depression early within one month of childbirth were less likely to suffer a long-term lasts unlike women with late diagnosis. There are a specific screening tools such as the “Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale” used to early diagnosis. Initially, tow screening questions are important to prognosis postnatal depression which are, during the past month, have you been bothered by negative feelings?, and have you often taken little or no pleasure in doing things that normally make you happy?(1) Based on patient’s answers it is likely to have postnatal depression or not. After prognosis, If the doctor detect that mother may have postnatal depression, he will start diagnosis with numerous laboratory tests and physical examinations to …show more content…

First, psychotherapy which is an essential kind of therapy that depends on emotional and support. This kind of treatments include talking therapy which can be done with a counselor or a group of patients, cognitive behavioral therapy that aims to find new ways which can help to behave in a positive way, also interpersonal therapy that takes care of how to contributing relationships with others. Second, pharmacotherapy by drugs such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, lithium, and benzodiazepines. Pharmacotherapy may be recommended when mother has a severe postnatal depression or when there is no responded to

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