Essay On Popular Culture In The 1950s

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1. Explain why America became involved in conflict over Korea, and explain why this was a “limited war.”
The United States reached the verdict of intervening with Korea from the uprising and constant tension of Cold War politics. The US joined on behalf of South Korea with fearful President Truman warning that if they did not help Korea, other nations would be captured by communist rule (he noted the Soviet Union) and the world would ultimately be threatened by a communist takeover. Communism was the main issue and cause of the international conflict, known as a “limited war”, fighting for limited objectives. North Korea’s communist troops invaded South Korea which was considered the first military action to initiate the Cold War. However the conflict between the nations was not necessarily that of what one land had, it was focused more on being able to call it territory under a certain ruling. The overwhelming risk of communism conquering countries sent nations to help each other, showing the strength and trust in allied nations and what they can achieve with each other’s help.
2. Describe popular culture in America in the 1950s. (consumerism, music, mobility, etc.)
The innovational time of the 1950s was known for the uprising of mass culture within America. Due to the financially fluctuating years prior, Americans were unable to spend much and were excited to take advantage of the new consumer goods introduced in the 1950s. There were new movies, television programs, genres and superstars of music, new products and new ways to get them that all became frenzies with the American people. Mass culture was responsible for bringing the nation new diversity in many different areas of society, bringing out a new idea of societal a...

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...alous acts of Clinton was his alleged inappropriate sexual relation with a former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Receiving a significant amount of media attention, Clinton stated under oath that he and Lewinsky had not had sexual relations, only to confess the truth seven months later. Due to being charged with obstruction of justice and perjury, Clinton was voted by many to be impeached and was later acquitted. Clinton was also negatively viewed for issuing a number of pardons and commutations near the very close of his presidency, this also being considered a scandal of his. Aside from his scandalous misdeeds, Clinton was also given the blame for raising taxes, despite his budget surplus, and for failing to reform universal health care. Overall, good and bad, Bill Clinton and his presidency are a few of the most memorable contributions to American history.

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