Essay On Pope Francis

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Pope Francis is not an ordinary pope; he was a former janitor, nightclub bouncer, chemical technician and literature teacher in comparison to the last popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI who were professors of theology. Pope Francis is unique, revolutionary and merciful. He is a huge burst of energy and has great charisma. He has captured the imaginations of millions who had given up on believing on the church at all with his revolutionary ideas and his energetic personality. He is the first pope from the new world and from Latin America, he is the first pope to abandon the luxurious Vatican papal apartment to live in a more modest one, the first to carry his own bag and to make personal phone calls and reply to letters from ordinary Catholics. This pope has marked a change in the history of papacies; he has set his own course.
Francis relates to Jesus in his special concern for the poor and marginalized. According to Francis, poverty should not be only about charity but about justice as well; he believes poverty is an extremely important issue. The poor are now the priests’ first responsibility and the pope believes the church should mirror the poor in addition to reflecting just Rome . Pope Francis said: “The church must work to eliminate the structural causes of poverty and that while I [the Pope] love everyone, rich and poor alike, I am obliged in the name of Christ to remind all that the rich must help, respect and promote the poor” Jesus went around Galilee preaching the gospel and curing the sick, feeding the hungry and taking care of the poor and marginalized. He did miracles such as healing the incurables, turning water into wine, walking on water, restoring the death to life and turning a few loaves of bread and fish...

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...the impure were cursed and should be punished and it gave hope to all those considered impure and sinful by society. Both Francis and Jesus, have gone against the authorities and their conservative ideas to express their own opinions and advocate for the one’s in need or the one’s with less rights.
Pope Francis is Jesus’s representative in the world and for now, he is doing a really good job according to the crowds that love him. He is revolutionary, charismatic, energetic, merciful, and humble, on other words, he is unique. He follows Jesus’s doctrines and pays special attention to the one’s in need. He wants a poor church, a nonjudgmental church and a peaceful world and with his hard work and revolutionary steps he is starting to achieve this. In conclusion, Pope’s Francis answer to the question “who do you say I am” would be in my opinion: “the healer of souls.”

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