Essay On Police Patrol

1973 Words4 Pages

Whether patrolling in rural, urban or suburb areas, the duties and responsibilities of police officers and their patrol methods are actually very similar. It is a police department’s uniformed officer’s responsibility to carry out the role of providing public service and controlling crime in a community. The patrol officer has one of the most difficult, dangerous, and complex jobs in a police department because they answer calls and have to deal with all kinds of people every day. Most police agencies around the country are small only employing around 20 officers or less.
All patrol divisions perform different tasks, although some methods are common to all. Important patrol functions include: deterring or preventing crime and disorder, responding to crime calls for service, controlling traffic, assisting at the scene of a crime, conducting preliminary investigations, gathering intelligence, making arrests, patrolling public gatherings, assisting at the scene of a fire or other medical calls, providing community service and general peacekeeping activities, and partnering with others to solve problems related to crime and disorder. Deterring or preventing crime and disorder is intended to have police presence to deter crime and disorder as well as give citizens a feeling of being protected. This will also help the police officers to earn the trust of the people living in their town in which they patrol. The purpose of the preventive patrol method is to put forth efforts to thwart or deter crime and civil disorder through an ongoing police presence or potential presence.
Responding to non-crime calls for service is a very important function of a patrol officer. These non-crime calls are known as civil ...

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...l car is approached by a stranger. So if that handler becomes sick or disabled the dog will have to be retrained to work with someone else which takes 10-12 weeks and costs $1,000 to $2,000 per team. Another major expense is modifying the patrol car by removing the back seat and replacing it with a platform. Other expenses include annual veterinary care and food expenses.
A combination of patrol methods is best for a department to have and will allow the agency to operate more efficiently. The type of patrol used will depend greatly on the department’s physical jurisdiction, the types of crimes occurring, the size of the department, the training of its officers, and its budget. Patrol is an essential function for every police department and once the department determines the patrol methods available they can determine which method is the most effective.

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