Essay On Pentathlon

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As Albert Einstein once stated, “ Anyone who has never made a mistake in life has never tried anything new.” As a way to expand my horizons, I, Edwin Montalvo, believe that I would be a valuable member of McGarvin’s pentathlon team. Based on my background knowledge on pentathlon, the use of additional information on various subjects is always essential towards the academic learning. Because of this, I also strive to excel in all my classes, for it is a necessary component of a student and a pentathlete. In addition to knowing background information, I vary my time between academic education and physical education, creating a more balanced lifestyle for me. Furthermore, pentathlon brings a self-learning experience that contributes towards many essential attributes needed in the future, such as …show more content…

This would include projects, essays, and even classwork, for the smallest task can lead to more significant assignments. By giving the best quality work, I receive the best grade, but nearly anyone can do that. To show that one does the best job is if one’s work gets hung on the wall as display, for it is a symbol is excellence. An example of this would be if I exceed the standard work on a project, then it would normally get placed on the wall, to show one’s work ethics. By saying this, I am proving how I do not just do my work, but instead, I overachieve on all assignments. To me, I feel a strong passion for school, so to go beyond this, I want to join in on the pentathlon team. Because pentathlon is like school to the next extreme, I will double the quality I bring into my studying and my assignments. I am also aware of the type of assignments on India that will be given, for I have some previous information on India, such as literature and science. As a result, I would be a great option in the pentathlon team because of my effort into all my

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