Essay On Patient Interaction

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Today, April 15, 2017, I concluded my fifth week in my rotation at Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital. I became more familiar with the role of a child life specialist at Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital, as well as gained independence in patient interactions with great opportunities for debriefing and self-reflection. The patient interaction that I wish to highlight from today was a laceration repair with a 4-year-old male. I was asked by the NP to come and speak with the family, prepare the patient, and assess how I thought he would do throughout the procedure prior to the repair. When I entered the room I originally met the patient and his aunt—both of which were calm and collected. The patient displayed age appropriate fear …show more content…

The mother was tearful, anxious, and loud. As much as we try not to judge others, this mother was being slightly overdramatic and asking questions about concussions, head CT’s, surgery, etc. I was able to calmly reassure the mother and when I couldn’t answer her questions I was able to ask the NP and RN. During my preparation, the patient was appropriate and actively/readily engaged with the materials presented. He was probably the most engaged patient I have ever had during a preparation for “string bandaids,” as he asked if he could individually hold each material and play with them. However, the family made the preparation more difficult than normal. Each time I presented an age appropriate explanation the family would repeat what I said in their own terms—which wasn’t always correct. A few separate times when I presented materials the sister would exclaim “oh my gosh” or “ew,” which slightly frightened the patient and required my reassurance. For the actual procedure, the NP and I both agreed that it would be best if Mom stepped out because her heightened anxiety/fear could transfer to the patient, but wanted her to make that decision because she knows herself and her child best. The mother and sister stepped out

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