Essay On Paralegals

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According to the National Association of Legal Assistants “Paralegals, are a distinguishable group of persons who assist attorneys in the delivery of legal services. Through formal education, training and experience, legal assistants have knowledge and expertise regarding the legal system and substantive and procedural law which qualify them to do work of a legal nature under the supervision of an attorney.” In short, a paralegal is someone qualified to provide legal support under the direct supervision of an attorney. Yet to this day most people still assume a paralegal is just another secretary who works in a law office. However, this is a huge misconception paralegals face each day. A paralegal, also known as a legal assistant, assist attorneys and works hand in hand with them on a daily bases. A paralegal can assist a lawyer in almost every aspect of the job by providing insight and preparing for legal proceedings. However, a paralegal can not give legal advice or practice law. According to the American Institute for Paralegal Studies “In the late 1960’s, an effort was made by Congress and …show more content…

A good way to decide what area of law to specialize in is to look at your interests and evaluate which areas of the law most closely relates to the things that interests you. Are you willing to working with families and help individuals? Are you a lover of the outdoors with an interest in the environment, or do you binge watch “Law and Order” and day dream about being a criminal defense? No matter what your interests are, there are areas of law that will meet the interests that you have. According to a blog on a paralegal website titled Specialties: Picking your path as a paralegal “Being a paralegal is a rewarding occupation in which you can stretch yourself, earn an excellent living and have an impact on the world around you, no matter which field of law you choose for your

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